Outdoor spots to value and optimize space


outdoor spots



SCE has launched a new project called "Outdoor Spots." The IT department was the first to host this pilot project on the CERN campus, with a first outdoor spot near their building. This initiative aims to transform underutilized outdoor spaces into vibrant areas that promote collaboration, soft mobility, and a stronger sense of community.

CERN campus can be challenging to navigate, with extensive parking areas and long, covered walkways. The Outdoor Spots project tackles this issue by strategically selecting key locations across both the Meyrin and Prévessin sites. These spots will be linked together, creating a network of user-friendly pathways that encourage exploration on foot or by bike.

The project led by Araceli Alvarez Escobar and Mathieu Fontaine draws inspiration from similar urban design initiatives around the world. Cities like Barcelona and Copenhagen have successfully revitalized asphalt-dominated areas by incorporating artistic and green elements. These interventions have not only beautified the spaces but also reduced car traffic without major construction work.

Outdoor Spots will share a common design language for easy recognition and maintenance. This includes consistent furniture, permeable ground surfaces, greenery, and a coherent color scheme. The elements will be adapted to each location's specific context, ensuring both functionality and a sense of the location.

The first Outdoor Spot, located between Buildings 513 and 31, features picnic tables, pathways, and existing and newly planted vegetation. Another spot, near the kindergarten, creates a pedestrian walkway that reduces traffic through Buildings 4 and 5.

All Outdoor Spots will be flagged as "Picnic areas" on the MapsCERN, making them easy to locate.

Here is the link to the original article: https://computing-blog.web.cern.ch/2024/03/blue-lines-mystery-uncovered-it-square/