This service enables and supports the correct and appropriate storage of relevant materials at CERN.
We are in charge of :
- Validating the EDH SIT request according to the available space in our buildings
- Receiving and properly storing the equipment
- Registering informatically the materials in our database
- Preparing the materials for expedition made through EDH SIT
Some of our storage capacities are as follows:
- Storage on pallet up to 750 kgs for storage in rack
- Heavy storage (crane) is possible in some buildings (ex: up to 10T in B.879, up to 30T in B.917)
- Storage of non-radioactive and radioactive materials
- Storage for radioactive materials in controlled areas limited stay: in 2 buildings
Only CERN material will be accepted and all lead materials must be packed as per EDMS 1050102 Safety Guideline SG-C-0-0-3.
Opening hours
SCE Storage areas: Monday to Friday 07h30-1200
947 storage: Monday to Friday 13h00-16h30
You can submit a ticket request help or reporting an issue via the Service Portal: